Row One's Historic Art Products are Unlicensed

Row One uses old historic sports tickets, program cover art, books, films, and other historical items not protected by copyright (due to failure, non-renewal, or expiration) to create our reproduction prints and unique, high-quality products. (See Our Etsy Reviews)

Every old game ticket has embedded, descriptive trademarks due to the fact that a ticket identifies who played in the game and where it was played. These after-acquired marks cannot prevent the copying of a 1923 ticket in the public domain. The two team names and stadium name are facts providing historical information. They are not functioning as a trademark on a game ticket. The ticket company that published the ticket was the actual source of the '23 ticket, the actual trademark of the physical ticket.

Row One Sells Historic Art with Embedded Trademarks (Marks Acquired by Public Universities 50 to 100 years later) That Appear in Public Domain Memorabilia Such as Vintage Game Tickets and Program Cover Art. These Words and Art Appeared on the Original Artifacts. Federal Copyright Law Says They Can be Reproduced and Vended Exactly as They Appeared.

Birch Wood Coasters with Ornamental Graphic Designs Created from Historic Game Tickets Not Protected by Copyright

1957 Georgia Tech vs. Georgia Football Ticket Drink Coasters | Row One Brand Vintage College Football Ticket Coaster Sets

Exceptional Quality Birch Wood Coasters Made in the U.S.A. by a Fantastic Partner.

1957 Georgia Tech Versus Georgia Ticket Stub Drink Coasters
1963 Tennessee Vols Football Ticket Stub Drink Coasters with Vintage Neyland Stadium Graphics | Row One Brand

Coasters Designed from Historic, Non-Copyrighted Game Tickets

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