About Row One Brand


Row One Sports Art can be found in homes, business offices, and hotels across the nation.


 Founded 12 years ago, Row One Brand is an American sports brand that offers sports fans a unique collection of historic sports wall art, unique sports gifts, and cool vintage apparel with designs created from historic game tickets, program cover art, and other sports memorabilia in the public domain due to failure to copyright the publication, non-renewal of the copyright, or the expiration of copyright. An example is our 1907 Princeton football art coaster set which was copyrighted in 1907 by F. Earl Christy, but the copyright has long since expired. 


Team names, venues, and other embedded marks that appear on Row One's vintage program cover art reproductions, ticket stub reproduction prints, and products serve the purpose of describing who played in the game (historical facts) and were present on the original creative works. These "embedded" trademarks were published as part of the original creative works often created by an artist who signed the art. Row One does not have to "black out" or remove elements of public domain publications or artistic creations. To do so, we would be required to rewrite history. Just imagine this scenario. Let's say there is an old college football book from 1925 about Penn State football. "Penn State" might be mentioned 1,000 times in the book. The book is clearly in the public domain due to it's age. Row One would not have to erase the words "Penn State" every time they appeared in the book if we reproduced that book. To be required to erase or black out elements of public domain materials is a form of censorship and "brand" owners and trademark owners do not control third party creations from the 1910s, 1920s, etc.


Row One does not use other parties' trademarks as a label or package. Row One uses historic creative works to create product surface designs and wall art reproductions. In many instances, the original artist signature is left on the design and Row One tries to credit all of the great sports artists from the past 150 years. Public Universities don't have the right to stop the reproduction of old artwork, a third party artist's creation, just because it relates to their school. These works of art fell into the public domain 70, 80, and 100 years ago. 


Row One historic sports products are not affiliated with, licensed, sponsored, authorized, or endorsed by any college, university, team, league, artist, athlete, other brand, or any licensing entity. 



Row One uses historic films, books, magazines, cartoons, ticket stubs, programs, vintage decals, and other historic publications no longer protected by copyright. Some of these materials date as far back as the 1800s.






1974 New York Mets Wall Art from Row One Brand

Founded in 2013, Row One Brand is an American sports brand that features products and wall art created from the greatest tickets and art in sports history. Row One has college football memorabilia from some of the most important games in college football history. Our collection dates back to the 1876 Harvard-Yale Game, a program from just the second game ever played in that rivalry. The oldest college football ticket stub in our collection is an 1893 Penn vs. Princeton football ticket. Row One has several tickets from the "Games of the Century" including the 1971 Oklahoma-Nebraska Game and the 1969 Shootout between Arkansas Razorbacks and the Texas Longhorns. In addition, Row One has a large selection of pro football, baseball, and basketball art and gifts.


Row One is known for outstanding customer service and high-quality products. Row One offers a wide variety of historic sports wall art, vintage sports art watches, ticket stub products, and unique vintage gift designs created from historic memorabilia from the 1800s through the 1980s. 

Row One Brand Row 1 Logo Blue

Need to get in touch with us? Contact us here  or call 1-833-800-7623